The trip coincided with the publication of my AS Level results, and as such my father had organised for the results to be faxed to the hotel for perusal.
Upon receiving the fax I was overjoyed with the results, as was my father, who made public his intentions to purchase alcoholic refreshments for a large group of youths my sister and I had befriended.
Having purchased the drinks, my father encouraged all recipients to pose for a picture, which he had commissioned my sister to take. There were roughly 15 of us, lagers raised, teeth glistening, with my father in the midst, resplendent in fading yellow flip-flops and ill-fitting speedos. My sister encouraged us to 'say cheese', and was about to take the photograph when she halted. Something had evidently caught her eye, for she now bore a horrified expression, whilst her face, already crimson from severe sunburn sustained on the first day, now turned purple as she struggled to stifle laughter.
"Dad!" she cried, "You're hanging out!" - words which were accompanied by animated pointing in the direction of my father's crotch. He turned to the group, as if for verification, and we were able to confirm that he was revealing himself, in a manner which I have since termed 'double testicle exposure'.
I was sent to the hotel room for a replacement pair of trunks, the photograph was taken, and the holiday continued without re-occurrence. The offending trunks remain integral to my father's holiday wear.